Monday 4 July 2011

A Shot of Bailey

Today was Bailey and my first walk together.  He is such a sweet pup.  Bailey is 14 years old and probably the most affectionate pup I walk.  He knows his route better than anyone else.  He even shows you where to stop to feed the birds and squirrels.  Stop for a second.  Ask yourself how long it has been since you fed the birds.   Baileys mum told me she likes to take him to the park and feed the birds. So, today thats what we did.  It was such a refreshing and innocent thing to do, and the little birds just loved it.  I am so thankful to have this special lil pup in my life, I know that our everyday walks are going to being us both so much happiness.


Thursday 23 June 2011

A dose of Jack with a side of Charlie

Cockapoos live to obey their owners.  They are very responsive to commands and one of the easiest dogs to train!  Jack and Charlie are PawBreak's newest clients! They greet me at the door very excited for their walk, and trot along side me the entire walk!

You can tell how well their mommy takes care of them by their pearly white teeth and fresh haircuts.  Definitely two of the happiest dogs i've ever met.  I cant wait to walk them again!

Monday 16 May 2011

A Rainy Day in Brutisville

I don't know if it is just Brutis or if all English Bulldogs can sense that it is raining.  Not only did he stay in his bed while i walked in the front door today, but he ran and hid under the desk in the den when I tried to put his leash on lol.  Brutis is NOT a fan of the rain.  Ryleigh and Dan came along for the walk today, Ryleigh was the only one who stayed dry in her stroller.

We passed a few other people waking dogs in the rain.  They where none too pleased that it was wet out, so turns out one of them will be joining me for my walk tomorrow to see if they would be interested in a PawBreak!  I encourage anyone to come along while I walk their dog to ensure they are comfortable.  It is SO important.

When we got home I dried off Brutis' paws and took him over to fill up his water.  He then stopped, wiggled his bum and looked at the cookie jar and back at me.  Good thing as I used the word cookie to lour him back to his house!  What a cutie.

Ill be seeing Brutis tomorrow and Wednesday, lets hope for some sunshine!

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Brutis' first PawBreak

Just got home from a nice walk with Brutis, an English BulldogThe Bulldog originated in the British Isles. The very first Bulldogs were bred to be fierce fighters with a courageous personality. Fighting became illegal and Bulldogs were soon lovers, not fighters. For more than a hundred and fifty years, Bulldogs have been bred to be kind and gentle family pets.

I am fairly certain that Brutis is the King on his neighborhood.  He knew all of the pee spots, and by all I mean ALL.  Every fire hydrant was spotted from a mile away and he would even cross behind me to get to it. 

When I first met Brutis he was eating his supper.  He came barreling to the front door, little bits of kibble flying everywhere.  He gave me tons of kisses and ran quickly back to his food. 

Brutis walked quite quickly beside me today, I think he worked up a sweat!  Hope he's not too tired, I will see him again tomorrow!

How can you not love this face?

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Cooooold rainy day

Just got home from an hour walk with my little girl (in the stroller) and my two huskies.  It sure is chilly and wet out there.  Ran into two golden retrievers and turns out they will be walking with me starting next week!  I will be leaving my pups at home of course.  I dont mix dogs that don't know each other.  On my way out to meet a little pug for a walk and play!  Better hurry before the rain starts again!

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Huskies with a side of sunshine

I went for a walk with two beautiful Huskies today.  Diesel and Sascha.  They where so happy to be out strolling their neighborhood.  Sascha and Diesel's mum's name is Nikki and she is a Dog Trainer.  As we all know Huskies can pull sleds, this takes a lot of training.  Diesel and Sascha may not be pulling a sled but they definitely know their sled commands.  Nikki was explaining this to me today.  When she told me that if I wanted Diesel to go right I used the command "Gee" he overheard and veered to the right lol.  The command for left is "Haw." They are such well behaved dogs and are just so happy to be with you.  

Sasha (rear) Diesel (front)
Sascha and Diesel are a joy to walk and I am so excited for the next time we get to put our "paws" on the pavement!

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Why PawBreak? Why not just another random Kijiji Add?

Why should you hire me to walk your best friend?

I decided to open up my own dog walking business for a few reasons.  First and foremost being I love them.  All  animals for that matter.  Dogs have always been a part of my life.  Ever since I can remember I've had a dog.  Over the years when I was a kid we had a Doberman, a Rottweiler, 2 Miniature Schnauzers, 2 Standard Schnauzers and now I have 2 Siberian Huskies.  Dogs complete a family in my opinion. You never feel alone when there is a dog around.  They make a home feel safe.  

This brings me to my next point.  There are a lot of people out there that would benefit from a dog walker but they just don't feel comfortable having someone in "their space." I know I wouldn't want just anyone I found on Kijiji in my house when I wasn't there.  So I thought to myself.  How could I make people feel like they just had a friend coming over to play with their dog while they where out.  To make someone comfortable they have to trust you.  To make someone trust you they have to know you.  I needed to ensure that my clients knew me, and not just The Dog Walker.

I started my website and had information about MY family on it.  Talking about my experiences with my pups will help with the understanding of how I am with them and how much I care about animals.  From there I thought of the BLOG.  Just because someone has to work doesn't mean they don't want to take their pup out or that they want to leave their cat.  So, I decided since today's technology makes it so easy, why not include the most important person in their (the dogs) life (YOU!) in the PawBreak!  I would love to come home to my rested pet knowing I could go online and see cute pictures of her and hear about what she did on her walk with Fiona. So my blog, Along for the PawBreak started.  The sole purpose of this BLOG is to help you feel comfortable with your new Dog Walker.  To know that she genuinely cares about your friend so much so that she will document their day so you don't miss anything!  From pictures to stories it will all be here!  I also wanted to incorporate some video for your dog loving viewing pleasure. So with permission I can also take a few videos of your friends in action so you can get the inside scoop on their PawBreak

Exercise.  This is a very important component in my life.  I believe you should sweat once a day.  It is good for your mind, your body and your soul.  Combining my love for fitness and dogs created my idea of a PawBreak.  

Throughout my blog entries I may stray from the dog walks.  I may talk about things in my life that are exciting.  This is what makes me stand out from any other dog walker.  I want you to know me.  I want you to feel comfortable allowing me into your home, to care for your pet.  After all, your home is your safe place.  I never want this to change, and I never want you to feel like someone you don't know is in your home.  This is a relationship between A Dog Walker and a Dog, but also a parent and a friend.