Wednesday 27 April 2011

Brutis' first PawBreak

Just got home from a nice walk with Brutis, an English BulldogThe Bulldog originated in the British Isles. The very first Bulldogs were bred to be fierce fighters with a courageous personality. Fighting became illegal and Bulldogs were soon lovers, not fighters. For more than a hundred and fifty years, Bulldogs have been bred to be kind and gentle family pets.

I am fairly certain that Brutis is the King on his neighborhood.  He knew all of the pee spots, and by all I mean ALL.  Every fire hydrant was spotted from a mile away and he would even cross behind me to get to it. 

When I first met Brutis he was eating his supper.  He came barreling to the front door, little bits of kibble flying everywhere.  He gave me tons of kisses and ran quickly back to his food. 

Brutis walked quite quickly beside me today, I think he worked up a sweat!  Hope he's not too tired, I will see him again tomorrow!

How can you not love this face?

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