Monday 16 May 2011

A Rainy Day in Brutisville

I don't know if it is just Brutis or if all English Bulldogs can sense that it is raining.  Not only did he stay in his bed while i walked in the front door today, but he ran and hid under the desk in the den when I tried to put his leash on lol.  Brutis is NOT a fan of the rain.  Ryleigh and Dan came along for the walk today, Ryleigh was the only one who stayed dry in her stroller.

We passed a few other people waking dogs in the rain.  They where none too pleased that it was wet out, so turns out one of them will be joining me for my walk tomorrow to see if they would be interested in a PawBreak!  I encourage anyone to come along while I walk their dog to ensure they are comfortable.  It is SO important.

When we got home I dried off Brutis' paws and took him over to fill up his water.  He then stopped, wiggled his bum and looked at the cookie jar and back at me.  Good thing as I used the word cookie to lour him back to his house!  What a cutie.

Ill be seeing Brutis tomorrow and Wednesday, lets hope for some sunshine!

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